To find the Kth node from the end of linked list two pointer approach can be used which involves four steps. Consider a linked list which contains 6 nodes with the values 1,2,3,4,5,6 as shown below and let the k be 3.
Initialize two pointers (head,temp) at the first node
Move first pointer to the Kth node
Lets move temp pointer to the Kth node from the beginning, so that head becomes the Kth node from temp. In the example, move temp to 3rd node so that 1 becomes 3rd node from the temp.
Move both pointers by a node until temp pointer reaches the last node
Now move both the pointer by one node.So that temp will be at node with value 4 and head will be at node with value 2.
Repeat this until temp pointer reaches end of the linked list. so that position of pointers will be as follows
Return second node
Now return the node which is at head pointer and this will be the Kth node from the end of linked list.Program to find Kth node from the end of the Linked List
void kthNodeFromEnd(struct node *head, int k) {struct node *temp = head;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < k; i++) {
if (temp == NULL) {
printf("%d is greater than length of the list", k);
temp = temp -> next;
while (temp -> next != NULL) {
temp = temp -> next;
head = head -> next;
printf("kth element from the end of the given List is %d", head -> data);
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