Prime Factorization
Before going to know about prime factorization,we must have an idea about Prime Numbers,Factors,Factorization
Prime Number
A Prime Number is an integer that can be only divisible by 1 and itself.
The numbers which evenly divides the given number are called factors of given number
Ex: Let us take 36,36 is evenly divisible by 2,3,4, these are the factors of 36
Factorization is the representation of given number as the product of its factors
Ex: Consider same example 36 for which 4*9 is the factorization of 36
Prime Factorization
A prime factorization of a number is the representation of that number as the product of its prime factors
Ex:Prime factorization of 36 is '2 * 2 * 3 * 3'
Program to get Prime Factorization of a Number
#include < stdio.h >
void main() {
int num, temp, i;
printf("Enter Number:\n");
scanf("%d", & num);
temp = num;
printf("Prime factorization for %d is\n\n", num);
while (temp > 1) {
for (i = 2; i <= temp; i++) {
if (temp % i == 0) {
printf("%d ", i);
temp /= i;
void main() {
int num, temp, i;
printf("Enter Number:\n");
scanf("%d", & num);
temp = num;
printf("Prime factorization for %d is\n\n", num);
while (temp > 1) {
for (i = 2; i <= temp; i++) {
if (temp % i == 0) {
printf("%d ", i);
temp /= i;
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