What is a Constant??
Constant is an identifier whose value cannot be changed during program execution.
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How to use Constants in Programming??There are two ways to use constants in C Programming.They are
1.Using const Keyword
2.using #define (macros)
Program for defining constant using 'const':
void main()
const int c=10;
printf("value in c is %d",c);
If you try to modify the value of c in above program then compiler will generate an error as follows
How to change the value of a constant??
We can change the value of a constant using pointers as shown in below program
void main()
const int c=10;
int *ptr;
printf("value in c is %d",c);
Output of this program is

Syntax for using #define:
#define CONSTANT VALUEProgram for defining constant using '#define':
#define k 2
void main()
int s;
printf("value of s is %d",s);
Output of the above program is "Value of s is 6"
If you define a constant using #define then that constant is replaced by the corresponding value before compilation as #define is a preprocessing directive.
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